Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Story of my life

Perhaps it's because I don't fly that often at all, but the rare view from the top is truly quite a sight to behold. On both flights out -- from Singapore to Bangkok, then from Bangkok to Tashkent -- I was assigned window seats, and from the climbing skyscrapers, to the endless expense of green padi fields, and finally to the soft, glowing lights as we landed in Uzbekistan at midnight -- I was absolutely taken.

It made me wonder how it would've been, if I had been born at a different time, in a different place. Perhaps the only thing that I can be absolutely certain of is that I would still have been wholeheartedly pursued by God. Because He's told me that He would go to the ends of the earth to bring me to Himself -- He told me this when He sent His Son all the way from heaven; there is no where that I could go that would be too far for Him to find me.

Someone once said that no matter how far we run away from God, it only takes one step to go back to Him. That has been the story of my life.


I couldn't find the words then, but Deborah put it perfectly when she said how much sadness she felt in this place -- a sense that this was a region crying out for healing.

That first night, as I looked out of the plane's window onto the scattered lights, it looked like candles that were lit in mourning; abused and lost, and in need of love.


Meanwhile, it's been a new week for me, with a new job. I'm incredibly thankful that it has gone as well as it has.

After work on Monday, I met up with the team that went on the trip, and someone asked how Day One went; if I was nervous or scared, if I got any major jitters. The fact that I wasn't and didn't surprised even myself, but I suppose I've always been the one to look at the big picture -- after crossing the treacherous border of Central Asia and meandering through the crazy Kazakhstani traffic, I just couldn't imagine any worst case scenarios at work that would beat those.

I'm still getting a feel of things, but already feeling quite at home in my cubicle, which incidentally is quite a spacious one because I apparently inherited it from an assistant manager. How long do you wait before putting photos up? :)


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