Monday, March 21, 2005

MP3 for me!

I've been up for 30 hours now, and although I tend to delete entries that I post in my stupor, I decided this was too good not to share -- right away.

Last night, as I finished sitting for three straight hours of staring at the computer, listening to webcast lectures, I thought about how nice it would be if I had a microphone, or a recorder of some sorts -- so that I could turn the webcasts into audio files instead. Some lecturers don't use as much visual aid, and Dr. H is one of them. I could listen to him in the car, or through my discman when I'm on the bus... the possibilities are endless! (Sorry, I had to say that.)

But I'd already switched off my computer, and didn't feel that it was that urgent to warrant waiting for Windows to start up again; I did make a mental note to see if there was any way I could change the format of the webcast.

Before I could get around to doing anything about that, Dr. H announced at this morning's lecture -- to my amazement -- that he was going to make MP3 files of all his lectures and upload them. I mean, you have to understand that I don't know any lecturer who does this -- turn their lectures into audio files; some lecturers even refuse to have their lectures webcasted (webcast?) as it is. I didn't realise until much later that I was using both hands to support my dropping jaw.

God? If I don't tell You this enough, thank You for taking care of even the smallest details -- so minute that I didn't even think to bother You with. Thank You for surprising me by dropping a miracle on my lap on a Monday; no one starts the week with such a bang as You. :)


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